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We are not a community, not a fellowship, community, a kindred, or a group.

We are a tribe—independent, sovereign, and unapologetically our own.  We are an oathed international brotherhood. Let that also sink in.

That doesn’t mean we can’t be friendly with others in the Norse scene. We are to many honorable groups and we enjoy that. But let’s be clear:

We are not part of them, and they are not part of us.

We are on a mission to rebuild our ancient faith—authentically, truthfully, and with unwavering integrity. In today’s “Northern faith” scene (surprise it is not really a community), there are efforts to subvert and co-opt groups by their interpretations of the faith or making groups sign their latest thing. That will never happen to us. What we do is for us.

We require applicants to have read both Eddas and at least two other works on Heathenry/Viking Age or Germanic Tribes.

You see, we are different. We are warriors.

Odin’s Warrior Tribe is the choice for modern heathen warriors.

Our vision is to forge a tight-knit, elite tribe—capable, disciplined, and spiritually grounded. We move with purpose, precision, and unity. We are agile, adaptable, and unstoppable—punching far above our weight through honor, faith, and brotherhood.

This is a way of life- a mission.

Our tribe is made up of active-duty and veteran military, law enforcement officers, first responders, and their families—all following the heathen path. We have a few who have come to us as distinguished heathens and some honorary members who are among the most accomplished in their fields.

We honor the Norse and Germanic traditions, inseparably.

We stand firm, with eyes wide open. We watch the scene. We know who’s who.

We know which groups hide behind fake names, who has criminal pasts, who’s disreputable, and who’s addicted or dangerous.

We want nothing to do with them.

If you want nothing to do with that—and you’re a heathen warrior—then it’s time to wake up and look around.

There is an honorable path: Odin’s Warrior Tribe.

Building a good reputation is the way of the heathen warrior. A name that will live on and echo through history - that was the heathen warrior goal and - it is our goal. This concept is called orðstírr - which really means "word glory." It's so important a concept it is in the Havamal. Orðstírr guides our Tribe. The Norse not only wanted it, they wanted to be with those who had or also sought orðstírr.

We are a tribe for honorable heathen warriors—a place to belong, to honor the Gods, the Disr, the Landwights, and our ancestors, to live virtuously, and to walk the path while maintaining a professional life and seek orðstírr. A place where experienced heathens who have taken part in our Blots and Sumbls - say they have never seen anything like them and that we have recreated what was lost -authentic and true. Many of our rituals are in Old Norse and German.

We do not associate with the extremists on either end of the Heathen or Asatru political spectrum nor do we engage in their use of the faith for politics.

If you are in the military, law enforcement, or a first responder—and you align with extremists—your career will be over. We have seen it. Again, and again. Many of us in the Tribe have high level clearances and we will not jeopardize by associating with those who would bring us down.

There are groups out there tied to extremist ideologies, criminal investigations, and unsafe individuals. You will hear constantly, “Oops, we let in the wrong person.”

We don’t.


We have an extremely thorough vetting process. Every applicant is screened.  Background checks reveal whether candidates have acted with honesty and responsibility in their past actions, crucial for preserving the tribe’s credibility. We ensure Compatibility with the Tribe’s Values: The tribe seeks members who live honorably and have demonstrated resilience and moral fortitude in their lives. Thorough vetting ensures that new members contribute positively to the Tribe, avoiding individuals who might disrupt its unity. And, in the Tribe you are held to that standard by an oath.

Many other groups will take you. We wish you the best, and we may even recommend an honorable group that fits your path.

We have zero tolerance for drugs at our gatherings. None.

Possession or personal use of illegal substances is absolutely incompatible with our culture.

People ask us:

“Are you universalist? Can anyone join your tribe?” — No.

“Well, are you folkish? Is it only for those of Germanic blood?” — Also no.

So, what are we?

We are an elite heathen warrior tribe.

Nearly all of our members trace their ancestry back to the ancient faith, but let’s be clear that’s not a requirement.

Heathenry is the ancestral faith of pre-Christian Northern Europe. We believe it is our true faith.

But there are many worthy individual warriors—without bloodline ties—who are genuinely called by our Gods. If they meet our high standards, they are welcome here and will find their home with us.

We are inclusive of character. We do not care about your ethnicity or orientation—

We care about your values, your strength, and your honor. We maintain standards to ensure that.

Just like in elite military units, we hold the line and we have each other's back.

“Then cried Grettir, "Bare is the back of the brotherless." And Illugi threw his shield over Grettir, and warded him in so stout a wise that all men praised his defense.”


Grettir’s Saga

We were all green once, but we had standards—and those standards created elite teams.

That is us. Are you one of us?

We refuse to associate with:

The grifters with fake names

The snake-oil sellers

The drug users

The criminals

The groups that are not real 501c3’s or Churches but pretend to be.

That is our choice.

We are a 501(c)(3) religious organization, not a sideshow or a cosplay club.  Our names and programs and emblems are trademarked. We are a registered charity and can perform legal heathen weddings in Virginia and Maryland.

We will not join hands with groups that distort our faith or misrepresent its core theology.  We live according to a code of virtues and values that reflect both our faith and common military or other related service.

Ragnarök will be real.

There will be two sides—those who stand with the Gods and the Einherjar, and those who stand with Loki, Fenrir, the Jötnar, and the forces of chaos. While we tell the stories of those forces around the campfire, and often even learn from that, we do not raise our horns to them.

Those who honor these chaotic forces as liberators or misunderstood rebels—you have aligned against the Gods. 

And that is not our faith.

We hear it all the time:

“I’ll fight on the side of the giants!”

“I’ll stand with Fenrir against ‘injustice’!”

“I serve Loki!”

For us that is nonsense.  Indeed, our experience is that those who do this their lives are chaos because they asked for it. We are an international brotherhood of heathen warriors—men and women who refuse to be weak, who commit daily to improving themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually.  For those who want to go a step further we have our Odinic shamanic warrior cult where tribesmen and tribeswomen pursue the paths of Ulfhedinn and Berserkr. They pursue ancient and modern warrior skills.

Do I have to be a Hunter to join? No, but you have to accept that many or most of the Tribe members are hunters.

Can I bring my children to gatherings? Yes

Newborns and adopted children receive a special rune engraved Kuksa cup as a gift from the Tribe to show their bond.

Can I apply if I am a disabled veteran? Of course we welcome you!

Disabled Veterans are also welcome to our events, and we will do our best to make arrangements.

Do you award sacrifice, merit, and courage? Yes!

The Noble Order of Tyr stands as the highest distinction in our Tribe and in our view also in all of heathenry —an unparalleled recognition of merit or valor or lifesaving heroism. It is not merely an award; it is an Order of distinction, a fraternity of the most respected warriors - men and women and leaders in the Tribe and those who support us both in the faith and our secular charitable efforts for military veterans.  Nothing else in the heathen scene comes close to the prestige and honor of this Order. There are four classes in the Order. It is a real trademarked Order.

The Noble Order of Tyr resonates deeply with military personnel, law enforcement officers, and first responders because it upholds the ancient warrior tradition of honor, recognition, and legacy, ensuring that their sacrifices and acts of valor are never forgotten.

We also award Weapons of Honor and live the gifting tradition as expressed in the Havamal. We award Chieftain's arm rings in rare circumstances - only twice in six years. We also award silver as Jarls and Chieftains of Old.

We study the sources, the lore, archaeology. and literature to revive our ancient customs and faith. It is not just a faith - it is a way of life and when the time comes death. We help and provide support the families of those members who have passed.

I am a Norse/Germanic Heathen but was not in the military law enforcement or a first responder how can I participate? You can donate to the Tribe to support us, and our Veterans activities, buy items from our online store, and some events are open to non-military for a small donation. Boat building was one of those and there will be a few slots in the Hall building for non-military. Truly unique distinguished heathens may qualify for honorary membership which has no dues, but they donate as they see fit.

For members, we have membership dues, and we ask a lot of our members to support our goals because only through sacrifice can we build something great. And, let's be clear - we seek greatness not mediocrity.

Many of our members are combat veterans and through our members six conflicts are represented.  We have been there – jumping out of planes, landing on hostile shores, breaching terrorist havens, flying low level over the sandbox and dropping bombs, and guarding the Northern lands from the Bear. We have members from every Service Branch except Space Force.  We have members who served in foreign militaries in conflict zones.  We stand ready. One of our values is BE PREPARED.

Our Chieftain is a combat veteran many times over and the highest military ranking heathen in the World. Our Tribe Volva is German born and a third-generation heathen.

This isn’t play. It isn’t LARP. It’s real.

If you’re tired of empty meme pages and fake Facebook groups—

We are for you.

Yes, we use social media. But our real strength comes from in-person gatherings, travel, training, ritual, and shared mission.

We have a camp in Southern Maryland on the Potomac River, leading to Chesapeake Bay where we gather. 

We have a Viking boat.

We have a Viking Farm.

We’re building a Viking Hall.

We also gather in other locations and in Europe. (Germany, York, Egnlsnd, Midgardsblot, just some of the places).

We do more for military veterans than any other Heathen or Ásatrú group—guaranteed. March for the Fallen, Gettysburg Battlefield tour, blacksmithing, woodworking, sailing, Viking days for veterans, Viking boat building skills and now Viking Hall/timber framing skills.

We believe veterans are among the most capable people on Earth. They have endured much. They have acquired immense skills. But the cost of war has left many of them and us isolated, depressed, and disconnected.

We aim to bring them back and ourselves back.

Back to the camaraderie of a warrior band.

Back to purpose.

Back to a brotherhood and sisterhood.

We are not therapists—but what we do is grounded in real tools like cognitive behavioral therapy and mission-oriented structure.

The mission has not ended—it’s just changed.

Now it is about lifting our warriors out of darkness, out of isolation, and back into the fight—this time for themselves and each other.

This is our dual mission: To walk the path of our ancient faith.

And to restore and support our warrior kin.

We take both with the utmost seriousness.

At Thermopylae in ancient Greece, 300 Spartans changed the world by their sacrifice. They set the example. We have gone well past platoon size and are headed towards full company size. We are experiencing unprecedented growth while maintaining our standards. We will do more with a company the best of heathens, motivated heathens, and disciplined heathens.

For those involved in heathenry and Asatru who are in honorable groups, and there are some don't get us wrong, we wish you and your group, the best and good fortune with the Gods.

We follow our path and if you seek to suppress that and make us follow your latest declaration of anything forget it.

This is who we are. We strive for perfection and honor in all that we do. 

Odin’s Warrior Tribe.  Our name tells you three key things. One that we are Norse Heathens and that we acknowledge Odin as the chief God among the Aesir and Vanir and we honor all of the Aesir and Vanir. Two that we are warriors. Three, that we are a tribe, our bonds are those like a family or clan and we already have second generation members.

Get in touch, come to an event, come to a Pub Moot. If you contact us a Tribe member will be back in touch.

So, when you are ready to take life seriously and join the fight.

Vertu með ok byrjaðu ferðalagið!

Join us and start the journey!





Find us on You Tube, FB, and Instagram at Odin's Warrior Tribe.  


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